Discover how to make the right choices when you eat out at your favourite restaurant so you stay on track with your health & fitness goals.🍔🍟🍕
There’s nothing worse than going out with friends and family and being stuck with what to eat if you are looking to stay healthy or have a goal you want to hit. This ultimate Eating out cheat sheet guide will show you what foods will work for you and what you may want to avoid if you want to stay healthy and achieve results. 🙌 |
Christmas can be a joyful time with friends, family and food. If you are trying to get in shape then the later can often be a real problem over the festive season. Here are our 6 tips to keep you fit over the festive season. 1. Eat your protein first The first and most important thing to do over this festive season is to eat your protein and more importantly, eat your protein first. Proteins are the building blocks of life and whilst they help to repair and maintain muscle, they also suppress hunger. Eat your protein first and you will be tempted less by the other calorie dense and nutrient sparse Christmas treats. 2. Fill up on veggies The best thing about a Christmas dinner, after all the turkey and Ham of course, is all the vegetables. Fill your plate with all the vegetables you can. Remember, nobody ever got fat eating their veggies. 3. Mentally prepare If your goal is to stay in shape or even lose weight over the festive season then you are in for a rough ride. There is nothing saying you can't do it, but if that is your aim, you need to be mentally ready. Ready to say no, ready to choose the best option, ready to give up what you really might want to have. Trust me, it will be worth it. Everybody will be very jealous of you when the New Year rolls in and they feel out of shape. 4. Christmas Day is once a year It's only a day. 24 hours. That's it. I can't remember how many times I have already called people out for having a mince pie in November. It even says it in the title, Christmas DAY. Eat what you like for that day and I can guarantee it will have no effect on your goals. That's if you have been good for all the other days in December. 5. Focus on family and friends, not food Christmas has lost its true meaning with chocolate calendars, hundreds or presents and mountains of food. Remember what we are actually celebrating and enjoy the moments with family and friends. It is not all about food. Give people flowers and gifts not treats, chocolates and type 2 diabetes! They'll thanks you for it in the long run. 6. Maintain your exercise regime The 6th but simplest thing you can do. Keep up training 3 times a week. If you have some time off over the festive season, crank it up a gear and try to get another session in. We'll be here over the festive season for training sessions so get in touch if you want to double up or need to change your training days/times. Like what you've read? Why not book in for a FREE Transformation session with one of our Personal Trainers.
AuthorGareth Allen - Personal Trainer and Owner. Categories
November 2024